Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I've Come To The Conclusion...

... that I'm addicted to races and I think my body can handle anything. So, what has lead to this conclusion, you ask? I was talking to a good running friend, Jon, earlier today, and he told me about his plans to do a 2012 Iron Man. Instantly the wheels in my head start turning, and I start contemplating competing in an Iron Man 70.3. WHAT‽ For those of you who are reading this that have no idea what the Iron Man 70.3 Triathlon is, it's a race that starts with a 1.2 mile swim, then off to a 56 mile bike ride and finishes with a 13.1 mile (half marathon) run. Oh, and this is only the half Iron Man, double the distances for the full Iron Man. Those who complete Iron Man races are pretty much bad-ass, and I'd love to compete in both the 70.3 and the full in my lifetime.

It's funny what a year can do to your confidence. A year ago I hadn't even gone out for my first run, and since then I've completed three 5k's, two 10k's and am registered for two half marathons this summer. What's funny is before I even ran my first 10k, I already had the goal of a half marathon. So this is totally how I roll. I haven't even ran my first half marathon, and I'm signed up for a second half marathon six weeks later. Now I have the bright idea of competing in an Iron Man 70.3. So, what do I find the most amusing about wanting to do this race? A) I don't own a bike, and haven't in well over 10 years. B) I don't know how to swim. C) I still haven't even completed a 13.1 mile run yet. So I'm either overly confident in my body, I have just enough confidence to think that anything that I sign up for I'll be able to complete, or maybe I'm just a little bit crazy.

I'll go with all of the above.


  1. Haha, this is awesome! It's really cool what you have accomplished in a year. Maybe I'll start running. Any tips?

  2. I love your passion! I've run a lot of half marathons, a handful of fulls, do some biking events but am scared to death of doing a tri....let alone a Iron Man. I suppose it's the worry of fitting all that training in, and yes - the swimming worries me but I can swim (just don't like to). I hope you decide to set that goal....and love that I found your blog so I can follow along in you achieving your dreams!

